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Wow Carpet Cleaning Sydney



72 860 579 745

Business contact details

Address:3/32 Market St, Sydney, NSW


Year founded:2008

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Opening hours


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM






9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Business description

Welcome to Wow Carpet Cleaning Sydney, your trusted partner for exceptional carpet cleaning services that breathe new life into your floors. With a rich history of delivering top-notch service, we have become a reputable name in the carpet cleaning industry throughout Sydney. Business History: Wow Carpet Cleaning Sydney was born out of a passion for creating clean and inviting spaces. Our journey began with our dedicated owner, Mitch Treanor, whose love for spotless carpets led him to establish the business. With years of experience in the cleaning industry, Mitch recognized the need for a reliable and customer-focused carpet cleaning service in Sydney. About the Owner - Mitch Treanor: Mitch Treanor is not just the owner; he is a carpet cleaning enthusiast with a deep understanding of various carpet fibers, stains, and the best cleaning practices. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, Mitch ensures that our team delivers nothing short of outstanding results. Why Choose Us: At Wow Carpet Cleaning Sydney, we stand out from the rest with our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients by providing tailored solutions that meet their individual needs. Our customer-centric approach means we take the time to listen to your concerns, inspect your carpets thoroughly, and deliver a personalized cleaning plan for optimal results. Services: Our wide range of services covers all your carpet cleaning requirements. From deep steam cleaning and stain removal to pet odor treatment and carpet protection, we employ cutting-edge equipment and environmentally-friendly solutions to ensure your carpets receive the best possible care. Service Locations: Based in Sydney, we proudly serve the entire metropolitan area and its surrounding suburbs. Wherever you are in Sydney, you can trust us to bring a touch of wow to your carpets. Call to Action: Ready to experience the wow factor in your carpets? Don't wait any longer! Contact Wow Carpet Cleaning Sydney today to schedule an appointment. Let our expertise, attention to detail, and personalized service transform your carpets into a clean, fresh, and inviting space. Get ready to be wowed by the results!

Accepted payment methods


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Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Reviews (32)

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    Julia E

    Oneflare review

    09 Apr 2024

    Incredible service from start to finish! The team was professional, and my carpets look brand new. Will definitely be a repeat customer!
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    Adeline B

    Oneflare review

    26 Mar 2024

    Rug cleaning service breathed new life into my vintage rugs. Attention to detail was evident, and I'm thrilled with the outcome
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    Elaina C

    Oneflare review

    19 Mar 2024

    Professional stain removal service that delivered beyond my expectations! The stains are completely gone, and my carpets look pristine. Thank you!
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    Adrien T

    Oneflare review

    12 Mar 2024

    Great service from a great team! The carpet cleaning was quick, and the results exceeded my expectations. The staff was friendly, and the prices are reasonable. Will be recommending to friends and family
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    Linda M

    Oneflare review

    05 Mar 2024

    Impressed with the results! The carpet cleaning team was thorough, and they tackled pet stains with ease. My home smells fresh, and the carpets dried quickly. Professional service from start to finish
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Frequently asked questions

  • Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

    Fully insured business and guaranteed work, giving you peace of mind and confidence in our exceptional service.

  • Do you have a favourite customer story you would like to share?

    At Wow Carpet Cleaning Sydney, one of our favorite customer stories involves a family who had recently moved into a new home. The house they purchased had beautiful carpets that appeared clean on the surface, but they were concerned about hidden dirt and allergens since they didn't know the previous owners' cleaning habits. The family reached out to us, seeking a thorough carpet cleaning to ensure a healthy living environment for their young children, who suffered from allergies. Our team arrived promptly and conducted a detailed inspection of the carpets. To their surprise, they discovered a significant amount of dust, pet dander, and even a few stubborn stains that had gone unnoticed. Using our powerful steam cleaning method, we carefully cleaned every inch of the carpets, paying extra attention to the high-traffic areas and stain removal. As the cleaning process progressed, the family was amazed to see the transformation happening before their eyes. The carpets regained their original luster and appeared brighter and fresher than ever before. Upon completion, the family was delighted with the outcome and expressed their gratitude for our meticulous work. They noticed an immediate improvement in their children's allergies, which brought great relief to the parents. The family was not only impressed with the exceptional cleaning results but also with our friendly and professional team. The experience with this family was particularly meaningful to us as it reinforced our commitment to providing more than just carpet cleaning services. It reminded us that we play a crucial role in creating healthier and happier homes for our customers. The satisfaction of knowing we made a positive impact on this family's well-being continues to inspire us in delivering exceptional service to all our valued clients. This heartwarming customer story has become a source of motivation for our team, as we strive to create more success stories by bringing the "wow" factor to every carpet we clean.

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Unique selling points

  • Right Arrow

    Wow-worthy carpet cleaning results that leave your carpets looking fresh and vibrant.

  • Right Arrow

    Personalized service catered to your unique carpet cleaning needs and preferences.

  • Right Arrow

    Eco-friendly cleaning solutions for a healthier home and environment.

  • Right Arrow

    Expert stain and odor removal, tackling even the toughest carpet challenges.

  • Right Arrow

    Skilled team led by passionate carpet cleaning professionals, committed to exceeding your expectations.

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