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  • Air Conditioning and Heating job

    Posted by jamie

    26 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Lethbridge Park, NSW
    Job Description: Basically wanted for the living room for my 88 year old father to keep warm

    Jamie's review for a an air conditioning and heating installation and repairs job in Lethbridge Park



    Salen and his assistant were courteous, polite and proficient in their work installing an AC inverter. They also were quick to fix a tiny issue that wasn't their fault. I would happliy use their service again and I'd highly recommend them


  • Air Conditioning and Heating job

    Posted by Dani

    22 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Gymea Bay, NSW
    Job Description: I have not had the system serviced for over a year because the previous company disappeared. There are no obvious issues atm.

    Dani's review for a an air conditioning and heating installation and repairs job in Gymea Bay



    A lovely technician who arrived on time and gave advice.


  • Air Conditioning and Heating job

    Posted by Lisa

    19 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Budgewoi, NSW
    Job Description: was on then turned off by itself and will not restart

    Lisa's review for a an air conditioning and heating installation and repairs job in Budgewoi



    Brodie was quick to reply came out someday, very friendly,


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