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J.D. Celebrancy Marriage/Wedding Celebrant


Completed 44 jobs on Oneflare


28 667 912 020

Business contact details

Address:Swan Valley, Ellenbrook, WA


Opening hours


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
SuccessOpen public holidays

Business description

CONGRATULATIONS , on your up and coming wedding; As your wedding ceremony is only a small part of your day long celebration, it is important that the service recognises the significance of marriage but is also easy-going yet dignified. I’m happy to include children, family and friends and even pets! Everybody’s ceremony is unique! My Part in your wedding day is to provide you with a legally binding service created your way! Looking forward to talking and hearing your plans and answering any questions or queries you have John Dendy – JP CMC J.D. Celebrancy Marriage Celebrant, Perth web page 0439 821 195 or 08 9297 6121

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Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Reviews (26)

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    Verified Oneflare review

    03 May 2021



    Job Type: Celebrant

    Location: Burswood, WA

    John was fantastic, we hired him for our wedding, he was professional and accommodating. Highly recommend him.
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    Rhys W

    Oneflare review

    21 Jan 2020

    Thank you John for your friendly approach towards our intimate ceremony. You are helpful and thorough throughout the whole process. And extremely knowledgeable to make our start carefree. You are aware of all the minute details that made the day perfect just for us. Thank you again :)
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    Oneflare review

    11 Oct 2019

    John made the whole process of marriage easy to understand and he was very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend John at J.D Celebrancy! Our small ceremony was just lovely. Thank you so much John
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    Tracy A

    Verified Oneflare review

    25 Aug 2019



    Job Type: Celebrant

    Location: Ellenbrook, WA

    Tracy A left a 4 star review for J.D. Celebrancy Marriage/Wedding Celebrant

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    Verified Oneflare review

    12 Mar 2019



    Job Type: Celebrant

    Location: Caversham, WA

    Candice left a 5 star review for J.D. Celebrancy Marriage/Wedding Celebrant

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Frequently asked questions

  • Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

    Yes, I carry Public Liability Insurance. As a member of several Celebrant Associations, CMC where I am on the executive committee and AFCC, I carry professional indemnity insurance. I take great care to stay up to date with current legislation by attending Ongoing Professional Development courses.

  • How did you decide to get into your line of work?

    I have a strong background in customer service including tour guide and nursing. After being employed by others for many years I decided to become self-employed as a full time civil marriage celebrant that is happy to marry anybody! My wife and I are a great team, with Desiree working quietly in the background to ensure that we are producing current, quality products and services for our clientele.

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Unique selling points

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    A Hard backed copy of the service with signing pages in the back fir Guests Hand made wedding scrolls for your personalized vows

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