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  • Bricklayer job

    Posted by Bruce

    17 Jul 2024
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    Location: Wheelers Hill, VIC
    Job Description: After my under-floor ducted heater was removed I have a hole in the wall of my house that I would like to have closed. The dimensions are approximately 97mm wide by 46mm high. My estimate is that it would need about 20 bricks to fill the hole, which I have. The only access now is by working under the floor which has a clearance of about 500mm. The external access has been blocked by the external section of an AC system. This also requires a new lintel, approximately 100x100x6x1200mm. There is a subfloor entrance about 3M from the hole in the wall. Views include subfloor and external entrance and portion of the AC unit partially blocking up the hole.

    Bruce's review for a a bricklaying job in Wheelers Hill



    Ayden is a very good worker and has made the repairs to look as if the bricks have been there as long as the wall it self. Thanks Ayden I will advertise for you around this area.


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