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  • Ceiling job

    Posted by John

    18 Nov 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Armadale, WA
    Type of project: Repair, Size of ceiling: 5 to 25 sqm, Materials provided: No, When: Any time that works

    John's review for a a ceiling installation and repairs job in Armadale



    Very impressed with Ryan's attitude, attention to detail and work ethic in general. A job well done - thank you Ryan.


  • Ceiling job

    Posted by Ian

    24 Oct 2023
    Location: Secret Harbour, WA
    Job Description: Sagging dining room ceiling and popped nails in Lounge.

    Ian's review for a a ceiling installation and repairs job in Secret Harbour



    Ryan was great, he accommodated our timelines very well and worked in with the property manager. He highlighted all the issues found and communicated them with us clearly before starting the job.


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