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  • Conveyancing job

    Posted by Jaime

    06 Feb 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Capalaba, QLD
    Job Description: Need to be quick to respond as its a quick settlement time frame

    Jaime's review for a a conveyancing job in Capalaba



    Amazing service, needed it done quickly and there was no hold ups with CG legal. Catherine was great!


  • Conveyancing job

    Posted by Carina

    27 Jan 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationEmail and phone number have been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Park Ridge, QLD
    Type of property: Townhouse, Buying or selling: Buying, When does this need to be settled: 20/02/2024

    Carina's review for a a conveyancing job in Park Ridge



    Catherine was so nice to deal with and efficiently completed all my conveyancing needs online. She kept me informed during the whole process and was always available by phone or email to answer questions. I highly recommend her.


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