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    Average rating of electricians in Robina based on 504 reviews of 39 businesses.

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    Popular electrical services jobs in Robina

    • Electrician job

      Posted by Ahmet

      17 Jul 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: Robina, QLD
      Job Description: To remove old LNB and replace and tune new LNB
    • Electrician job

      Posted by Mariano

      30 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Robina, QLD
      Job Description: Move the foxtel outlet in lounge room wall to the rear room of the house, approximately 10 metres.
    • Electrician job

      Posted by Mariano

      15 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Robina, QLD
      Job Description: I need a new foxtel connection in the rear room of the house. Already have one foxtel connection in the living room. I would also like to install additional lights in the outdoor verandah area. I would also like to get additional lights at the front of the house.
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