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  • Garage Door Repair job

    Posted by Bob

    01 Nov 2023
    Location: Ivanhoe, VIC
    Job Description: motor runs but does not engage with door

    Bob's review for a a garage door repair job in Ivanhoe



    Steven was incredibly helpful and fixed our problem with a minimum of fuss. His charge was very reasonable. I would highly recommend him to anyone needing work on their garage door.


  • Garage Door Repair job

    Posted by Sandy

    23 Oct 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Mount Waverley, VIC
    Job Description: need both springs replaced, both cables and 2 garage door controls if possible

    Sandy's review for a a garage door repair job in Mount Waverley



    Amazing, fixed the issue super quick and was very competative. Thank you


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