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  • Gas fitter job

    Posted by Kim

    27 Feb 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Rouse Hill, NSW
    Job Description: I will be unavailable most Thursdays and Fridays. We have a gas stove top that has been giving us issues the small plate will ignite but it will not stay on. Not sure if this can be repaired or if there is such a thing as servicing a stove top. If this can't be done would like to discuss putting in a new stove top that will be gas that will not have these issues or that might be easier to fix. If you need anymore information just let me know.

    Kim's review for a a gas fitting job in Rouse Hill



    Jon is a rare gem - a tradie that is one time and communicates well. He also went above and beyond to try and find a solution that would save me money. He helped us every step of the way. Because we have to wait a bit for an appliance (no fault of Jon's) the job will only get completed later but if I can add to this review then will do so. Definitely will use his services in the future.


  • Plumber job

    Posted by Sohal

    02 Feb 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Quakers Hill, NSW
    Job Description: Gas bottle screw stuck, cannot unscrew to change the bottle. The wrench does not hold to the screw, so need this fixed asap.

    Sohal's review for a a gas fitting job in Quakers Hill



    Very professional and amazing service. Highly recommend. Best part, available over the weekends too.


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