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  • Graphic Design job

    Posted by William

    23 Dec 2023
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    Location: Deception Bay, QLD
    Job Description: We would like this sketch as our carpentry business logo, possibly with Carpentry & Construction incorporated if it can fit. Looking for a modern and humble design. Company colours are Charcoal/black/aqua blue

    William's review for a a graphic design job in Deception Bay



    Mohammad from DANSOL created my carpentry business logo and i couldn’t be happier with the quick responses and end product. Mohammad made sure i was 100% happy with the design and even had creative suggestions. Fair pricing and i will definitely be a repeat customer down the track when i require business cards and website design. Thanks!


  • Graphic Design job

    Posted by Keri

    02 Aug 2023
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    Location: Springfield, QLD
    Type of graphic design: Logo design, Type of graphic design: Business cards or stationery, Type of graphic design: Flyers / brochures / catalogues, Scope of project: I'm not sure, Printing services needed: Yes, Face to face consultation: Don't mind

    Keri's review for a a graphic design job in Springfield



    Great job, brought my vision to life. Thank you George


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