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  • Washing Machine Repairs job

    Posted by Scott

    30 Oct 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Wembley Downs, WA
    Job Description: Fisher and Paykel Wash Smart top loader machine. Pump is very slow at draining water and doesn't spin clothes dry, assume related to water flow rate.

    Scott's review for a a home appliance repair job in Wembley Downs



    Great service by a very knowledgeable and no fuss professional.


  • Washing Machine Repairs job

    Posted by Tony

    31 Jul 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Morley, WA
    Job Description: Machine "walked" during spin cycle snapping water hose connection

    Tony's review for a a home appliance repair job in Morley



    Matt turned up promptly, fixed the problem quickly and left mt laundry far cleaner than it was when he arrived including clearing up years of dirt accumulated under the machine. Very helpful with advice for me as a new widower who isn't used to using a washing machine. Thankyou Matt


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