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  • Gardening job

    Posted by Carla

    06 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Marsden, QLD
    Job Description: 630 square meter block. House up for sale. Overgrown grass needs slashing and then mowing and some tree branches cut back and weeding.

    Carla's review for a a lawn mowing job in Marsden



    Great service covering a huge job. Very happy with the final outcome. Friendly and on time.


  • Lawn Mowing job

    Posted by Regina

    27 May 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Boronia Heights, QLD
    Job Description: Also whipper snipping on small garden bed and front driveway wall

    Regina's review for a a lawn mowing job in Boronia Heights



    Very friendly and helpful. Explained what quote involved. Great job with whipper snipping and mowing. First time here. Wasn't a easy and quick job due to having tall/long grass in back yard. What I did really appreciate was the fact i had 7 tomato healthy plants that I didn't know were there. So he left them and told me about them. I also appreciated contact via phone call from his wife Anna if he was running late due to his job on hand. I have asked him to attend to my lawn maintenance on a regular basis.


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