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  • Pool and Spa job

    Posted by Kiran

    16 Sep 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Kellyville, NSW
    Job Description: Cleaned and water treated

    Kiran's review for a a pool and spa building job in Kellyville



    Great Job by Ali, very professional, would hire him again.


  • Pool and Spa job

    Posted by Rad

    10 Aug 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationEmail and phone number have been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Epping, NSW
    Job Description: need a good clean up of the pool, it is already very green, do not want to wait much longer

    Rad's review for a a pool and spa building job in Epping



    ARM Pools – great service, ease to deal with from the start, quick response, professional, honest. Initially, I tried to go to the local pool shops asking them to organize pool cleaning service and lost a couple weeks…And once I hired AMP Pools the job is done in 3 days – 2 visits. From the start you can see that Ali has knowledge, experience and willingness to do the best job and you have confidence that your pool will be very soon in a good condition – blue and fresh…Ali checked all pool pumps, timers, connections and also did not hesitate to write done instructions - steps (like backwash, rinse…) between two visits and after last visit… . Definitely I would recommend ARM Pools to anyone wanting a professional pool related service! Great work Ali. Thanks.


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