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  • Shed Installation job

    Posted by Marisol

    18 Oct 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Turrella, NSW
    Job Description: I have 2 sheds in the box

    Marisol's review for a a shed installation job in Turrella



    He was very reliable, intelligent and did the perfect job


  • Shed Installation job

    Posted by Tony

    02 Oct 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Narara, NSW
    Job Description: I have a flat packed shed that is 7.5metres long by 3.75 metres wide and 2.48 metres high at the gable. The brand of shed is 'easyshed'. The kit come with all fitting, fixtures and full instructions.

    Tony's review for a a shed installation job in Narara



    Peter and Duncan were great to deal with. Difficult job handled professionally.


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