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  • Sliding Door Repairs & Installation job

    Posted by Katherine

    03 Jan 2024
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    Location: Baldivis, WA
    Job Description: The lock seems broken and stuck at the bottom and the door will no longer open.

    Katherine's review for a a sliding door repairs & installation job in Baldivis



    It was not an easy job, but Carter's HRS were great. Very polite, professional and fixed my sliding door problem with minimal fuss.


  • Sliding Door Repairs & Installation job

    Posted by Toni

    14 Aug 2023
    Location: Wannanup, WA
    Job Description: Sliding door in conservatory difficult to slide and lock. When locked difficult to unlock. 2 other glass doors , one not locking easily, other not sliding properly.

    Toni's review for a a sliding door repairs & installation job in Wannanup



    Thank you Murray for the excellent service you gave us. Not only fixing a long term problem with three of our Jason doors, but also doing it quickly and efficient and explaining to us what you had done. Also, working way overtime to get our job completed. We would recommend you to anyone with sliding door problems. Great.


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