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  • Solar Panel job

    Posted by John

    11 Oct 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Delaneys Creek, QLD
    Service needed: Solar panel installation, Type of system: Battery ready system (no batteries), Panel location: Rooftop, When: As soon as possible

    John's review for a a solar panel installation and repairs job in Delaneys Creek



    Excellent service by both greensurehigh and the installers highly recommended


  • Solar Panel job

    Posted by Kevin

    31 Jul 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Springfield, QLD
    Job Description: One panel ( show photos ) you see one broom as show one panel - 2 burn wires & break glass on it ,don't know what cause ?

    Kevin's review for a a solar panel installation and repairs job in Springfield



    Brilliant service, fantastic price offered. Installation guys awesome and friendly. Loved the quality of service provided, we asked for more solar panels to be installed! Excellent job, highly recommended..


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