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  • T-Shirt Printing job

    Posted by Angela

    14 Mar 2024
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    Location: Belmont, WA
    Job Description: Want a black t shirt with GRUMPY OLD MAN printed on front

    Angela's review for a a t-shirt printing job in Belmont



    Highly recommended! Job well done and quick too! Very happy 😊


  • T-Shirt Printing job

    Posted by Marie

    05 Mar 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Rockingham, WA
    Type of printing: Men's t-shirt, Type of printing: Women's t-shirt, How many prints are needed: 2 - 5, Size of the print: Half of back, Colours in this print: 1, Colour of shirt: Black, Design supplied: Yes

    Marie's review for a a t-shirt printing job in Rockingham



    I would highly recommend Francis from Big Vision he's professional, great communication, great customer service. Tee shirts are of good quality & the design is on point. 🙂


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