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  • T-Shirt Printing job

    Posted by Laura

    19 Feb 2024
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    Location: Warriewood, NSW
    Job Description: Hello Iv come across your website and wondered if you could quote to get 5 t-shirts printed. Black tshirts with the company logo (Dual) on the front and then a drawing (individual to each shirt) and dr-EA-m team underneath? Is this something that could be done before next week? Thanks

    Laura's review for a a t-shirt printing job in Warriewood



    I honestly cannot recommend Kelly and Printgo enough. I had a last minute rush job and Kelly provided the most amazing service. I cannot fault her communication throughout the process and she went above and beyond what I could have asked for. When she had issues with the courier, she went out of her way to drive and collect the transfers (which were sent out incorrectly to her) and then drove the printed tshirts to the delivery address. I would recommend Kelly to everyone. 5 stars from me!


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