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  • Tiler job

    Posted by Mark

    15 Jul 2024
    Location: Carramar, WA
    Service needed: Tiling repair, Type of tile: Ceramic, Repair issue: had a plumber repair a leak to do so had to remove several tiles, Areas to be repaired: Bathroom, Number of rooms: 1, Tiles supplied: Yes, Size of job: Less than 5 sqm, When: As soon as possible

    Mark's review for a a tiling job in Carramar



    Great quality work - cleaned up like he hadn’t been there- no problem recommending him


  • Posted by Lucy

    28 Jun 2024
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    Location: White Gum Valley, WA
    Job Description: We had to break out a tile for gas works, need replacing like other photo. Quote should include -Tile removal and replacement -Remove existing tile -concrete supply and install supply of tile adhesive and grout tile replacement Thanks

    Lucy's review for a a tiling job in White Gum Valley



    Great work and very affordable, came last minute. Thanks for the great work. Recommend


  • Tiler job

    Posted by dan

    27 Jun 2024
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    Location: Byford, WA
    Job Description: we have put a new kitchen in and now need our splash back tiling done its about 5 Mtr square of tiling to be done can send photos of kitchen

    Dan's review for a a tiling job in Byford



    Great service and good price , i would highly recommend this guy due to the workmanship and speed was 10/10


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