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  • Tree Lopping job

    Posted by Jen

    14 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Baulkham Hills, NSW
    Service needed: Reshaping, trimming or pruning, Number of trees: 3, Approximate height in storeys: 2, When: Any time that works

    Jen's review for a a tree lopping job in Baulkham Hills



    Efficient, hardworking and cost friendly. Thankyou so much David …highly recommended.


  • Arborist job

    Posted by Michael

    14 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Blue Haven, NSW
    Job Description: Large tree Over 2 stories needs trimming next to fence line and a 2nd tree needs a side trim next to residence

    Michael's review for a a tree lopping job in Blue Haven



    All round pleasant experiece with professional. From quote to acceptance, from meeting our requirements in the time required.


  • Tree Lopping job

    Posted by Warwick

    14 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Oatlands, NSW
    Job Description: Removal of 2 dead/ dying trees

    Warwick's review for a a tree lopping job in Oatlands



    The guys from A1 arbour tree were on time and efficient


  • Tree Lopping job

    Posted by Dat

    09 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Cabramatta West, NSW
    Service needed: Complete tree removal, Number of trees: 2, Approximate height in storeys: 5, When: Any time that works

    Dat's review for a a tree lopping job in Cabramatta West



    Very good professional job done. We were very happy with the work. Thank you


  • Arborist job

    Posted by Kat

    27 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Lilyfield, NSW
    Job Description: Removal of this tree to the side of our house (the biggest one visible)

    Kat's review for a a tree lopping job in Lilyfield



    Iti did a fantastic job in removing the very large tree next to our house and the street power lines. It wasn't an easy task and he approached it with professionalism and care and was very thorough and considered. The price was also very reasonable for the quality of service provided! Thanks so much Iti for doing such a great job, we will definitely use you again in the future.


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