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  • Welding job

    Posted by Matt

    28 May 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Hammondville, NSW
    Service needed: Two safety bollards in front of my club have snapped at the base, Service needed: requires onsite weld on a Monday or Tuesday morning, Service needed: preferably 7am start., Object being welded: Two safety bollards, On-site job?: Yes, Materials being welded: I’m not sure

    Matt's review for a a welding job in Hammondville



    Great job by Fadi and his team. Quick resolution of a somewhat complex job, no fuss and purely professional. Highly recommend.


  • Welding job

    Posted by David

    05 May 2024
    Location: Beecroft, NSW
    Job Description: On the topside of the trailer frame, a horizontal steel plate holds the drop keel of a yacht. It needs to be removed and connected to the lower side of trailer frame so that the drop keel can sit lower on trailer.

    David's review for a a welding job in Beecroft



    All aspects of the service which Kumar, Vinit supplied were without any issues.


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