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    Popular building jobs in Cheltenham

    • Builder job

      Posted by Pietro

      08 Jul 2024
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      Location: Cheltenham, VIC
      Job Description: I have a client wanting to build 4 rooms. Drawings shown below. Must be experienced in Purin Framing and eps building. It will be built half on concrete and half need footings. Drawings shown below. if you have experience in building backyard pods or Building EPS pods. would like to hear from you. Measurements are 10,500mm x 3500mm. Can send pics through of what I want after initial contact
    • Builder job

      Posted by Chris

      07 Jul 2024
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      Location: Cheltenham, VIC
      Job Description: build a 5 x 3mt deck
    • Posted by Rish

      20 Sep 2023
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      Location: Cheltenham, VIC
      Job Description: We need to change the main entrance door. We need to close the original entry and create a door where it currently says "WH" in the attached floor plan.
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