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  • Posted by Karen

    20 Mar 2024
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    Location: Thornlands, QLD
    Job Description: My ceiling is cracked near light fixture and is coming down around 1cm branching out the other side. As well as sagging ceiling which appear to sag more over time, lifting in one corner of the room as seen in the pictures. Room is around 4meters 40cm by 3.9meters. It is the room we sleep in and don' like the thought of it collapsing on us been trying for a year to get someone to fix it but they never get back to us.

    Karen's review for a a ceiling repair job in Thornlands



    Martin is such a down to earth and honest person would answer any question about the job and a mine of information on what he was doing and took the time when I asked him questions. He did a really excellent job cleaned up any mess around as he went. he was very professional and would hire him again and would recommend him to anyone else looking to get plastering done for a reasonable rate.


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