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Best concreters in Southbank

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    Average rating of concreters in Southbank based on 591 reviews of 43 businesses.

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    Popular concreting jobs in Southbank

    • Concreting job

      Posted by Anita

      22 Apr 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Southbank, VIC
      Job Description: Hi, I am hoping to get my courtyard garden bed concreted over (a very shallow and small garden bed, all soil has been removed so just an empty cavity). Need it to match the surrounding concrete and measured the L-shape to be .544m3 (very small amount of concrete). Could you please provide a quote? Access to the area is large however there are about 15 external steps outside (3m wide but needs to fit through the gate clearance) leading up to the courtyard area. Will also need some light tidying of the area prior to filling the area.
    • Concreting job

      Posted by Pedro

      22 May 2024
      Location: Southbank, VIC
      Job Description: Im the building manager of a building in Southbank and I need a concreter to fix a cracked step in our courtyard if you need to see to quote please contact me to get access to building.Im available Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm on [Description contains phone number. Description will be revealed after quoting].
    • Concreting job

      Posted by George

      05 Feb 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationEmail has been verified
      • Email VerifiedEmail
        Email has been verified
      Location: Southbank, VIC
      Job Description: need a quotation ASAP
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