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  • Dog Training job
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    Posted by Driekus

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Chiswick, NSW
    Job Description: Need behavioural training for jumping, excitement when we eat, separation anxiety
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  • Dog Training job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Kedar

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Wentworthville, NSW
    Job Description: Daycare
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  • Dog Training job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Isabella

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Berowra Heights, NSW
    Training needed: Behavioral training, Breed of pet: Cavoodle, When: As soon as possible, Age of dog 11 months
    Quotes received (1/3)
  • Dog Training job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Coreena

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Vaucluse, NSW
    Training needed: Puppy training, Breed of pet: spoodle, When: As soon as possible, Age of dog 6 months
    Quotes received (1/3)

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  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Jessica

    11 Jan 2024
    Location: Hornsby, NSW
    Job Description: I'm the fur parent to two cocker spaniels. I would like help leash training them. The older cocker (2.5 years) is a rescue and is quite reactive around unknown persons. The younger one is still new to the world and thus she's very cheeky. I'd appreciate help with a few different training areas for each, mainly the 9 month old

    Jessica's review for a a dog training job in Hornsby



    Hugh was very helpful and efficient at training my cocker spaniel to walk on a loose lead. He provided me with the skills to continue with her training in just one session.


  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Caroline

    29 Nov 2023
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    Location: Five Dock, NSW
    Job Description: Rescued a young dog from hoarding situation. Needs socialising and house training. Very timid

    Caroline's review for a a dog training job in Five Dock



    Our experience was very positive and would highly recommend her services.


  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Clair

    24 Nov 2023
    Location: Concord, NSW
    Job Description: Barking at people and door bell seperation anxiety

    Clair's review for a a dog training job in Concord



    Thank you Hugh for helping me train my Molly ❤️ your methods are easy for me to understand and continue to work with helping Molly. I highly recommend Hugh to any pet owner who is struggling with training their dog .


  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Nicole

    25 Oct 2023
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    Location: Warriewood, NSW
    Training needed: Behavioral training, Breed of pet: Doberman staffi, When: Any time that works, Age of dog 5

    Nicole's review for a a dog training job in Warriewood



    Grace is lovely, very understanding, had to reschedule a few times, before she arrived our dog got sick- didn't think it was far on either of them, as he doesn't have padding under his feet owing to an infection Would recommend her to everyone


  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Nicole

    27 Sep 2023
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    Location: Kirrawee, NSW
    Job Description: stealing socks, resource guarding, won' t drop

    Nicole's review for a a dog training job in Kirrawee



    Grace had such a calm, comfortable, loving demeanour with my 2 dogs. Ever since her training session they have been so much calmer. Murphy has improved with her sock stealing and they are both waiting at the doorways and the stairs instead of barging down. I need to continue teaching the rest of the family so there continues to be consistency and continued learning. I thoroughly recommend Dog training Sydney with Grace- she was wonderful.


  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Nirav

    19 Aug 2023
    Location: Parramatta, NSW
    Training needed: Puppy training, Breed of pet: Jug, When: As soon as possible, Age of dog 10 weeks

    Nirav's review for a a dog training job in Parramatta



    Being a first time puppy guardian, Hugh has been of great help in guiding us how to treat and train our puppy continuously and manage him. Really appreciate your help Hugh.


  • Dog Training job

    Posted by Debbie

    01 Aug 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Cobbitty, NSW
    Job Description: Barking

    Debbie's review for a a dog training job in Cobbitty



    Was not what I expected, but we have had some positive results.


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