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  • Doors job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Iraj

    25 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Ferntree Gully, VIC
    Job Description: Our garage door is 3m*2.45m. We want to enclose it with double-glazed sliding doors (Fixed/Slide/fixed). I need quotes for both Timber and Aluminium doors and for both just door supplying and suppling+ installationcolor ( dark grey). I can remove the current garage door by myself prior to installing the new sliding door.
    Quotes received (1/3)

... and plenty more door installers jobs available on Oneflare

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  • Carpenter job

    Posted by cynthia

    14 Apr 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Carlton, VIC
    Job Description: rivets have come loose from front screen door so the door is about to fall off the bottom hinge - we have temporarily propped it up, We need someone with a rivet gun to replace the rivets in the top hinge of the screen door

    Cynthia's review for a a door installation job in Carlton



    Michael was professional, did a perfect job and delightful disposition


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