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  • Electrician job
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    Posted by Lisa

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Springfield Lakes, QLD
    Job Description: Please note this job is for installing a circuit breaker onto the existing wiring in a caravan. I had to click Granny Flat so that I could move this job request forward.
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Air Conditioning and Heating job
    Quotes received (2/3)

    Posted by Peter

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Riverview, QLD
    Job Description: system suppled . ( old system to be remove and new unit installed)
    Quotes received (2/3)
  • Electrician job
    Quotes received (2/3)

    Posted by Saief Subakat

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Bracken Ridge, QLD
    Job Description: Hi, wanted to get following jobs done, please provide a reasonable quote. 1. Install 3 x outdoor lighting I will provide outdoor lights and those need to install on three points (see photos Outdoor Lights). Two of those in the corner on Soffits and one in the midpoint on the back of the house. Make a switch inside the house for one switch for all 3 lights. 2. Install 2 x LED Downlights in balcony please see highlighted attached photo. I have not got LED lights yet. Make a switch inside the house for one switch for all 2 lights. 3. Replace power switch with Power Point & additional Switch 2x Vertical Light switch I wanted to replace with power socket & additional switch. You need to provide one vertical Power Point with Switch. 4. Replace Outdoor light with Power Point (PP) I wanted to put an outdoor power point by replacing existing light. 5. Check Solar I have solar panels in the roof, and we sometimes got creaking sound most likely due to thermal expansions. But I wanted to make sure the Pannel Frames are properly attached so can you conduct an inspection?
    Quotes received (2/3)
  • Electrician job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Roneil

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Pallara, QLD
    Job Description: please provide 2 quotes for: 1) Supply and installation of 3 phase 32A PowerPoint/breaker only and 2) the above and supply of Fronius Go Wattpilot 22J the installation is next to the sub board in garage with 3 phase power.
    Quotes received (1/3)
  • Electrician job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Leslie

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Jimboomba, QLD
    Job Description: The socket on an external power cable has broken. I either just the socket replacing (which I have) or worst case I need the entire cable replacing (I also have a replacement that can be used)
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Electrician job

    Posted by Elizabeth

    01 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: The Gap, QLD
    Job Description: Please remove existing fan from ceiling and move within room to allow for skylight installation. Add power points in 2 rooms: Bathroom for washing machine ( corner where towel rain is. Towel rail to be removed - existing wiring to this) and drier New kitchenette ( cupboard picture )for fridge, dishwasher and appliances. Fan to be moved towards or away from window.

    Elizabeth's review for a an electrical services job in The Gap



    Peter has been on time, great with communication, and we have been very happy with his quality of work.


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