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  • Skylight Installation & Repair job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Sue

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Perth, WA
    Service required: Repair, replacement or maintenance, What needs repair: Dome, Type of job: Residential, Roof type: Pitched, Level: Single storey roof, Permission for work: Yes, When: As soon as possible
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Glazier job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by David

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationEmail and phone number have been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Midland, WA
    Job Description: Hi I need two centre pieces of the window frame replaced, either side are sliding windows. I can remove security screen. Large window approx 1200x1500 & underside 1200x550. Cheers
    Quotes received (1/3)

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  • Glazier job

    Posted by graham

    04 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Falcon, WA
    Job Description: replace existing clear glass with non see through glass

    Graham's review for a a glazing job in Falcon



    excellent service very obliging would recommend using Brad for all your Glazing jobs.


  • Glazier job

    Posted by Tracey

    25 May 2024
    Location: Queens Park, WA
    Job Description: Its 1mtr x 1.30 thanks

    Tracey's review for a a glazing job in Queens Park



    Awesome was quick done the job no hassles at all great guy highly recommend


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