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  • Cleaner job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Mereadani

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Coburg North, VIC
    Type of clean: Roof cleaning, Type of property: Residential, Type of roof: Metal roof clean, Condition of the roof: Mossy, Condition of the roof: Rusty, Condition of the roof: Mouldy, Condition of the roof: Weathered, Size of roof: More than 80 sqm, When: Anytime that works
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Grout Cleaner job

    Posted by Crystal

    20 Apr 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Werribee, VIC
    Job Description: Looking to get the floor tiles cleaned on a 2 bedroom unit that I'm moving in to. The unit is currently empty. The areas include living, kitchen, laundry, entry and bathroom/toilet. The floors have already been cleaned but we have baby and I would like to make sure they grout and tiles are very clean! Thanks for your time.

    Crystal's review for a a grout cleaning job in Werribee



    Shaun went above and beyond to make our very tired (and moldy) floor grout sparkle. I was super impressed. He was also easy to communicate with and agreed to come at very short notice. Would definitely hire Shaun again. Thanks so much!


  • High Pressure Cleaner job

    Posted by Peter

    13 Mar 2024
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    Location: Rye, VIC
    Job Description: It is a long exposed aggregate concrete driveway which has a lot of black stain from black coastal sand. I have cleaned half myself and run out of puff. I estimate there are about 3x40=120square metres to go but am not sure of exact measurements.

    Peter's review for a a grout cleaning job in Rye



    Prompt,efficient and got the job done well. happy to recommend Oskar.


  • High Pressure Cleaner job

    Posted by Julie

    14 Feb 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Camberwell, VIC
    Job Description: clean and seal exposed aggregate driveway of ~57M2

    Julie's review for a a grout cleaning job in Camberwell



    Arthur did a great job, restoring the driveway to look like new! Reliable, communicative and took pride in his work.


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