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  • Handyman job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Nicole

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: West End, QLD
    Job Description: Our hours of availability are Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Must have appropriate insurance and able to supply.
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Handyman job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Bi

    25 Jul 2024
    Location: Yarrabilba, QLD
    Job Description: Fixing the wall
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Painter job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by LIJOMON

    25 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationEmail and phone number have been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Springfield Central, QLD
    Job Description: Proper repair of 2 small patch on door and door frame
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Handyman job

    Posted by Matt

    02 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Kenmore, QLD
    Project type: General handyman hire, or multiple jobs, Type of work: Installation, Work focus: multiple items including cutting a gate into a fence, Estimated time needed: Full day, Property type: House, When: As soon as possible

    Matt's review for a a handyman services job in Kenmore



    Wes did an amazing job. He built a kitcenette, quickly and on time. Have already used him again for many other jobs needing done around the house. So glad I found Wes.


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