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  • Leaking Roof Repairs job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Karan

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Carine, WA
    Job Description: Patio roof leaking, after doing a bit of a gutter clean, finding that the water is still not flowing as it should. Another area of the house has water coming through a window frame.
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Leaking Roof Repairs job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Surya

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Brentwood, WA
    Job Description: Roof leakage over garage. need urgent repairs. address: 8 Spinaway Crescent Brentwood WA 6153 Mobile [Description contains phone number. Description will be revealed after quoting]
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Leaking Roof Repairs job

    Posted by Barb

    04 Sep 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Mandurah, WA
    Type of repair: Leaking roof, Type of roof: Tiles, Type of building: Single-level home, When: As soon as possible

    Barb's review for a a leaking roof repairs job in Mandurah



    I’m very happy with the crew , nothing was to hard & I was treated with great respect, I have given them the open contract to come & cleaning my gutters every 6 months because I live where there are a lot of leaves


  • Leaking Roof Repairs job

    Posted by Simon

    31 Aug 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: The Vines, WA
    Job Description: Tile roof leak into single storey can see where the water is getting in and its broad location but not exactly sure of the pin point location

    Simon's review for a a leaking roof repairs job in The Vines



    Came out straight away after a phone call fixed the job on the spot No stuffing around Great Job Would recommend


  • Leaking Roof Repairs job

    Posted by Sam

    29 Jul 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Parkwood, WA
    Job Description: Work needs to be completed within next two weeks. Roof inspection report is attached.

    Sam's review for a a leaking roof repairs job in Parkwood



    Very reliable, honest work. Quality job at low price. Strongly recommend Kale..


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