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  • Cleaner job

    Posted by Alicia

    18 Apr 2024
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    Location: Spearwood, WA
    Job Description: end of lease clean to comply with the schedule set by our property agent please

    Alicia's review for a an office cleaning job in Spearwood



    Charles and his team were excellent to deal with they were on time and had great communication. They did a fantastic job


  • Cleaner job

    Posted by Angela

    17 Apr 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Bayswater, WA
    Type of clean: Bond cleaning, Type of property: Residential, Type of property: House, Number of bathrooms: 2, Number of bedrooms: 4, Type of clean: End of lease clean, Other objects to clean: Cabinets, Provide vacuum and mop: No, Frequency: Once off, When: 09/05/2024

    Angela's review for a an office cleaning job in Bayswater



    Great job by the team. All very pleasant and friendly staff.


  • End Of Lease Cleaning job

    Posted by Debra

    21 Mar 2024
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    Location: Midland, WA
    Job Description: 3x2 smaller unit..

    Debra's review for a an office cleaning job in Midland



    Amazing end of lease clean...would recommend this company again...2 cleaners ..very thorough and sparkly clean.Thank you Debra


  • Bond Cleaning job

    Posted by Diya

    25 Feb 2024
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    Location: Perth, WA
    Job Description: looking for bond cleaning 2 bed 2 bath with carpet

    Diya's review for a an office cleaning job in Perth



    Came as promised, set up no fuss, work done in a professional manner to my satisfaction and my wife (and believe me that's a big bond cleaning job!!) Friendly and very professional . Definitely not expensive. I would highly recommend them to all. Well done , thank's mate


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