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  • Panel Beater job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Danielle

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Petrie, QLD
    Job Description: Not sure if its the lock mechanism or door itself
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Panel Beater job

    Posted by Seb

    14 Sep 2023
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationEmail and phone number have been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Caboolture, QLD
    Panel beater work: Repair, Where vehicle is registered: QLD, Vehicle rego: QLI81, Parts requiring work: Hatch door, Condition of panels: Dented, Needing a tow truck to pick up: No

    Seb's review for a a panel beating job in Caboolture



    Kept the repair cost low, with excellent finish . Will go back again in the future for more panel repairs . Very easy to deal with. Highly recommended .


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