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  • Landscaper job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Jennifer

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Plainland, QLD
    Job Description: Pavers and stones along one length of house Pavers under clothesline and redo a retaining wall along back fence
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Landscaper job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Jennifer

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Plainland, QLD
    Job Description: I want big pavers the length of the house with stones around it The same under the clothes line and at the sides of the front of the house
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Roof Cleaning job

    Posted by Al Geyer

    24 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
      VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
      Phone number has been verified
    Location: Mount Cotton, QLD
    Job Description: Gutters and solar panels mainly

    Al's review for a a paving job in Mount Cotton



    Excellent service and price on time and easy to deal with


  • Cleaner job

    Posted by Rob

    31 May 2024
    Location: Kingston, QLD
    Job Description: 25 solar panels to be cleaned

    Rob's review for a a paving job in Kingston



    Did a great job, wouldn't 't hesitate to use them again


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