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  • Photographer job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Audrey

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Kelvin Grove, QLD
    Job Description: 3:30pm
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Photographer job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Emily

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Windaroo, QLD
    Job Description: We are looking to have family portraits taken in the coming weeks as my mother has recently been diagnosed terminally ill and we would like to have some valuable memories together before her treatment becomes too intense. Our family consists of 2 grandparents, 6 adults and 2 grandkids. We would like a range of group shots and then individuals of the couples and grandkids with the grandparents and a few other options as best on the day. We have access to a large 7 acre property with flat grassed area with a bush backdrop for the photos or could come to a studio that needs to be wheelchair accessible.
    Quotes received (1/3)
  • Photographer job
    Quotes received (2/3)

    Posted by Andrew

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Auchenflower, QLD
    Type of photography: Corporate, Type of corporate photography: Corporate headshots, Additional services: None, Format of photos: USB stick or digital download, How long is this service needed: Less than 1 hour, When: Any time that works
    Quotes received (2/3)
  • Photographer job
    Quotes received (1/3)

    Posted by Thoma

    26 Jul 2024
    Location: Virginia, QLD
    Job Description: This is to announce our engagement, just want like a kiss scene from a movie
    Quotes received (1/3)

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  • Photographer job

    Posted by Manoj

    13 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Beenleigh, QLD
    Job Description: Looking for jewellery photography with a white marble backdrop (which we have), approximately 80 products in the style of the attachement

    Manoj's review for a a photography job in Beenleigh



    Very professional and excellent photo quality. Would definitely work with Edge again.


  • Photographer job

    Posted by Fiona

    08 Jun 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    • Email VerifiedEmail
      Email has been verified
    Location: Brisbane City, QLD
    Job Description: Between 3.30 - 5pm

    Fiona's review for a a photography job in Brisbane City



    Extremely happy with communication and photos taken on the day. Flexible to work with us in between our tight timeframes. Would recommend


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