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Best gardeners in Lalor

    Top Lalor gardeners near you

    Find popular gardeners with top reviews in Lalor. Compare quotes from garden maintenance services near you.

    Average rating of gardeners in Lalor based on 1012 reviews of 48 businesses.

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    Popular gardening jobs in Lalor

    • Gardening job

      Posted by Ray

      14 Mar 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Lalor, VIC
      Job Description: already cut a small tree and need to towing Service as well
    • Gardening job

      Posted by Merilyn

      14 Mar 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Lalor, VIC
      Job Description: Next week - Mon, Wed, Thurs or Frid. Lawns, plus 2 shrubs need trimming. No spraying wanted.

      Merilyn's review for a a gardening job in Lalor



      Peter did a great job mowing my lawns and pruning. Extra work was done and all at an affordable price for me.


    • Gardening job

      Posted by Merilyn

      05 Jan 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Lalor, VIC
      Job Description: Front verge, front lawn, back lawn of a regular suburban house. With all the heavy rain, some of the weeds have grown but will be ok for you.
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