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Best home renovators in Castle Hill

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    Average rating of home renovators in Castle Hill based on 379 reviews of 46 businesses.

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    Popular home renovation jobs in Castle Hill

    • Home Renovation job

      Posted by Wayne

      15 May 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: Castle Hill, NSW
      Job Description: I would like to have a light renovation for entry, a cabinet for laundry machine & Dryer, Wardrobes and shower room divider
    • Home Renovation job

      Posted by Jocelyn

      22 Jul 2024
      Location: Castle Hill, NSW
      Job Description: Redo entire bathroom plus separate toilet. All fittings will be pre-purchased for installation. Rough floorplan and layout attached for reference. Looking for pricing and estimated turn around time. Thanks, Jo
    • Home Renovation job

      Posted by Sunny

      13 Apr 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
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        Facebook profile has been verified
      Location: Castle Hill, NSW
      Job Description: Renovate whole 2 bathrooms and 1 kitchen. Whole floor change carpet to timber floor. Set flyer screen. The whole unit 118m2. Unit link:
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