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  • Landscaper job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Mike

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Rosebud West, VIC
    Job Description: No lawn is required
    Quotes received (0/3)
  • Arborist job
    Quotes received (4/3)

    Posted by Lisa

    25 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Caroline Springs, VIC
    Job Description: Removal and clean up of trees in back garden
    Quotes received (4/3)

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  • Gardening job

    Posted by Moshe

    18 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Port Melbourne, VIC
    Service needed: Tree lopping, Tree lopping service needed: Complete removal, Number of trees: 1, Approximate height in storeys: 1, Is a recurring job: No, Area of lawn or garden: Less than 30 sqm, When: As soon as possible

    Moshe's review for a a landscaping job in Port Melbourne



    Was very happy with wyllies. Fairly priced, came quickly and did the job to my satisfaction


  • Fencing job

    Posted by Radenka

    15 Jul 2024
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    Location: Mill Park, VIC
    Service needed: New Fence/Gate, Fence enclosing: Urban Residence, Type of fence: Colorbond, Gate required: Yes, Automatic gate: No, Type of gate: G, Boundary Fence: No, Approximate length of fence: 15 to 30m, Approximate height of fence: Under 50cm, When: As soon as possible

    Radenka's review for a a landscaping job in Mill Park



    Thank you Radenko for fixing, repairing and replacing our gate and fence in prahran. We are so happy we can open and close the gate with ease now. Thank you it’s a fantastic job!


  • Posted by Alida

    13 Jul 2024
    Location: Fitzroy North, VIC
    Job Description: I require 2-3 medium height plants, and smaller flowering plants lining the front of a 5x2 metre frontage of my townhouse. Must be able to survive winter and the hot sun coming in from the east during summer. Job is urgent, for Monday/Tuesday 15th-16th July.

    Alida's review for a a landscaping job in Fitzroy North



    Fantastic job turnaround, friendly swift communication. Highly recommend, competitive pricing.


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