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  • Rendering job
    Quotes received (2/3)

    Posted by Kelly

    26 Jul 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Bundamba, QLD
    Job Description: Just want the lower garage section and front and side brick fences (Up to the side of the house where the garage meets the front door area).
    Quotes received (2/3)

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  • Rendering job

    Posted by Ian

    03 Dec 2023
    Location: Cleveland, QLD
    Job Description: Rendering required for rear and remainder of 2 sides of brick house. Front and 1/2 of 2 sides rendered by previous owner a few years ago. We just purchased this house in Cleveland. Ian Robinson

    Ian's review for a a rendering job in Cleveland



    Prompt, very competitive pricing, achieved a quality finish in good time and cleaned up after the job


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