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  • Roof Restoration job
    Quotes received (0/3)

    Posted by Yifang

    26 Jul 2024
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    Location: Rosehill, NSW
    Job Description: I want to do roof water proof on my old house. The current roof doesnt have membrane under the tile. The gutter is also rusted. I want to replace my gutter and install membrane under the tile. The address is 47 penelope lucas lane, rosehill, nsw 2142.
    Quotes received (0/3)

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  • Roof Restoration job

    Posted by Ezra

    15 Nov 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Old Toongabbie, NSW
    Type of roof: Tiles, Type of building: Single-level home, Approximate size of roof: 100 - 200 square metres

    Ezra's review for a a roof restoration job in Old Toongabbie



    Excellent customer service. Quality of work manship really great and exceptional. Reliable and rates are very competitive. Fully satisfied. Work is still to be completed. Unfortunate disruption owing to weather conditions. However work done upto date is Excellent and according


  • Roof Restoration job

    Posted by Sheenagh

    11 Oct 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Werrington County, NSW
    Job Description: I have a back room that has been inclosed with an internal gutter. I need a quote for a roof and a new glass sliding door. I work at a school so cant answer all the time so please leave a message and I will call you back.

    Sheenagh's review for a a roof restoration job in Werrington County



    Moe and his team were very nice. They explained everything that needed to be done. They didn't beat around the bush they were all very professional. I would highly recommend them to anyone. Great work guys Sheenagh


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