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    Average rating of cleaners in Windaroo based on 519 reviews of 37 businesses.

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    Popular cleaning jobs in Windaroo

    • Cleaner job

      Posted by Sharon

      03 Jul 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Windaroo, QLD
      Job Description: Home needs a good clean all over including oven, walls, window and doors including tracks
      Type of clean: House cleaning | Type of property: House | Number of bathrooms: 0 | Number of bedrooms: 0 | Other objects to clean: Fridge | Provide vacuum and mop: Yes | Frequency: Haven't decided | When: As soon as possible
    • Once off House cleaning job

      Posted by Sean

      12 Aug 2024
      Location: Windaroo, QLD
      Job Description: We are in Ireland and we return back on the 16thend of this week I have some of my employees working at my house on Wednesday and I thought it would be a opportunity for you to gain access to the house I have a smart lock so it's digital access anyway. We are bringing my mother in law back and it wasn't planned and were looking for a clean on the house. Just focus on few areas now the whole house. Upstairs main bathroom and toilet ,downstairs toilet and kitchen and tiles Down stairs maybe the laundry too... We would appreciate the help and understand it's very short notice.. I do have mops and vacumes but if you have your own would be better. I can pay you via EFT and as I said I have my employees working there on Wednesday so if you prefer cash I can have my guy pay you also whatever suits
      Type of clean: House cleaning | Type of property: House | Number of bathrooms: 0 | Number of bedrooms: 0 | Other objects to clean: Kitchen | Provide vacuum and mop: No | Frequency: Once off | When: 14/08/2024
    • Weekly House Bond cleaning job
      Global clean brisbane

      Posted by lee

      02 Aug 2023
      Location: Windaroo, QLD
      Job Description: Simple bond clean. We have kept the property clean, but a "once over" will be great
      Type of clean: Bond cleaning | Type of property: Residential | Number of bathrooms: 2 | Number of bedrooms: 4 | Other objects to clean: Inside windows | Provide vacuum and mop: No | Frequency: Weekly | When: 21/08/2023

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