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Best dog trainers in Hornsby

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    Average rating of dog trainers in Hornsby based on 294 reviews of 37 businesses.

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    Popular dog training jobs in Hornsby

    • Dog Training job

      Posted by Dick

      14 May 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: Hornsby, NSW
      Job Description: We are particular keen to see our dog toilet trained
    • Dog Training job

      Posted by Daisy

      22 Jun 2024
      Location: Hornsby, NSW
      Job Description: Biting, barking and angrying
    • Dog Training job

      Posted by Shay

      28 Feb 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: Hornsby, NSW
      Job Description: We have 2 dogs. A 6 year old American staffy and a 2 year old Rottweiler cross cane corso. They have started to dig a lot in our back yard. They are walked regularly, have lots of toys to play with too. My partner and I leave them in the yard alone between 7am and 5:30pm. They have only just started digging in the last 3 weeks and its getting worse. We have tried putting pepper and chilli powder in the areas that they dig as well as trying to find stimulating toys for them to play with during the day and nothing is working
    • Dog Training job

      Posted by Jacqui

      05 Jan 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Hornsby, NSW
      Job Description: My dog is aggressive to people and other dogs.
    • Dog Training job

      Posted by Karen

      07 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Hornsby, NSW
      Job Description: Bella has nipped a couple of people.I can't take her to the dog park because she attacks smaller dogs than herself,gets them on their back and growls but has not sunk her teeth into them .She lunges at moving cars and people and she pulls on the lead.Also if another dog starts to approach me at the dog park she runs at them.
    • Dog Training job

      Posted by Jessica

      11 Jan 2024
      Location: Hornsby, NSW
      Job Description: I'm the fur parent to two cocker spaniels. I would like help leash training them. The older cocker (2.5 years) is a rescue and is quite reactive around unknown persons. The younger one is still new to the world and thus she's very cheeky. I'd appreciate help with a few different training areas for each, mainly the 9 month old
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    Review left for Dogwise Behaviour And Training


    Met with john for puppy training today. Great experience and little frankie had a great time! Would highly recommend, good service at a good price.


    Simon Wan

    Review left for North Paw


    Jade is a very friendly, knowledgable and experienced dog trainer. She has taught us a few tricks and they seem to be working on our little baby. I look forward to more lessons with her.

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