Are Storm Doors Essential in Australia?

Are Storm Doors Essential in Australia?

Keeping your home secure and safe from the elements is an essential part of living in Australia. Installing storm doors can provide an extra layer of protection against natural disasters like cyclones, storms and floods while providing security against intruders.

In this article, we will discuss why installing a storm door should be a priority and provide valuable insights on how to choose the right storm door for your home.

What are storm doors?

Storm doors are exterior features installed to protect against wind, rain, hail and other elements. They are designed to resist powerful winds while providing insulation from drafts and heat loss in winter. Depending on your location and climate, different storm doors are available.

Types of storm doors

Storm doors come in a variety of styles, materials and sizes. The most popular are aluminium-framed doors with a polycarbonate panel that is impact-resistant. These types of storm doors are durable and low maintenance. They also provide superior air infiltration resistance, which helps keep the heat out during summer. Other popular storm door options include timber frames with glass, fibreglass and vinyl.

Signs that your home needs a storm door

Location in a storm-prone area

If your home is situated in a region susceptible to cyclones, storms, or floods, installing a storm door becomes crucial, providing an additional layer of protection against severe weather conditions.

Cracks in window frames or windowsills

Cracks in window frames or windowsills allow drafts, moisture, and pests to enter your home, necessitating a storm door to create an extra barrier that seals gaps and minimizes the risk of air infiltration and water damage.

Presence of mould or mildew

The growth of mould or mildew indicates excess moisture in your home, and a storm door with proper sealing and weather-stripping features helps reduce moisture intrusion, limiting the conditions that foster mould and mildew development.

Increased security from potential intruders

Storm doors are typically built with sturdy materials and reinforced locks, offering an additional layer of security through your door to your home, deterring potential intruders and providing peace of mind.

Improved protection against the elements

Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, storm doors shield your main door from rain, wind, and debris, minimizing wear and tear caused by exposure to the elements, thereby extending the lifespan of your entryway.

How to choose and install the right storm door

When choosing a storm door for your home, check the style and material. Consider how much ventilation you would like and how long you plan to keep the door in place.

Additionally, research and compare different brands to ensure you get the best product for your budget. Finally, ensure that the door measurements are correct for your home and that the door meets all local building codes.

Once you have chosen the right storm door for your home, you should call a professional and ask for a door installation price list. Installing a storm door can be tricky and requires precision to ensure it is securely fastened to your home’s exterior.

The bottom line

Overall, installing storm doors is essential for protecting your home against the elements and securing it from intruders. Storm doors can add value to your house with their durable material and stylish designs. Be sure to research when choosing the right storm door for your home and call a professional door installer to set it up properly.