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    • TV Repairs job

      Posted by Ash

      21 May 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Tarneit, VIC
      Job Description: Backlight gone for kogan TV, can hear audio but no picture.
    • TV Repairs job

      Posted by Stacie

      08 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Email VerifiedEmail
        Email has been verified
      Location: Tarneit, VIC
      Job Description: So the tv fell down from the tv unit and landed on my son luckily thats why the tv screen wasnt that bad, but when I tried to put up the tv that part of the tv is coming out from the silver frame, so I accidentally push it back in thats why it caused that black spot.
    • TV Repairs job

      Posted by Tony

      07 Feb 2024
      Location: Tarneit, VIC
      Job Description: Can't get channels
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