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Best wedding car hire providers in Fremantle

    Top Fremantle wedding car hire providers near you

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    Average rating of wedding car hire providers in Fremantle based on 12 reviews of 9 businesses.

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    Popular wedding car hire jobs in Fremantle

    • Wedding Car Hire job

      Posted by Claire

      02 Jul 2024
      Location: Fremantle, WA
      Job Description: 6 adults & a 3 yr old(will require car seat attachments). Looking for options one way travel.
    • Wedding Car Hire job

      Posted by John

      16 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: Fremantle, WA
      Job Description: Drop off at the assembly yard for the service, then take for photos in fremantle then back to assembly yard .
    • Wedding Car Hire job

      Posted by Katelyn

      20 Mar 2024
      Location: Fremantle, WA
      Job Description: Pick up from esplanade in Fremantle and dropped off at east Fremantle yacht club first car 3 second car at 3:30/ photos at 4:30 down the road, then back to the hotel at 11:45/12
    • Wedding Car Hire job

      Posted by Kiara

      17 Jan 2024
      Location: Fremantle, WA
      Job Description: We were looking for a car to take us from our accommodation to the ceremony individually and then from the ceremony to take some photos and then back to the reception please.
    View more popular wedding car hire jobs

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