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Best painters in South Brisbane

    Top South Brisbane painters near you

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    Average rating of painters in South Brisbane based on 585 reviews of 48 businesses.

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    Popular painting jobs in South Brisbane

    • Painter job

      Posted by Tersia

      26 Feb 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: South Brisbane, QLD
      Job Description: One bedroom apartment, kitchen living room is one room
    • Painter job

      Posted by Lachlan

      24 Jan 2024
      Location: South Brisbane, QLD
      Job Description: Rental agency requesting touch up of marks
    • Painter job

      Posted by Alan

      19 Dec 2023
      Location: South Brisbane, QLD
      Job Description: Got about 40 doors and whole two levels of hallway/walls that we would like to patch/repaint. Needs to start the job from 8th Jan 2024. Free to inspect this week for quotation.
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