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Best celebrants in Southport

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    Average rating of celebrants in Southport based on 365 reviews of 30 businesses.

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    Popular celebrancy jobs in Southport

    • Celebrant job

      Posted by Heet

      18 Jun 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Southport, QLD
      Job Description: Indian couple and just have to sign, no function or ceremony anything.
    • Celebrant job

      Posted by Mitchell

      08 Apr 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Southport, QLD
      Job Description: Small ceremony 10 people easy and not to expensive
    • Celebrant job

      Posted by Aya

      18 Jan 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationEmail and phone number have been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      • Email VerifiedEmail
        Email has been verified
      Location: Southport, QLD
      Job Description: Simple ceremony
    • Celebrant job

      Posted by Nicki

      26 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Southport, QLD
      Job Description: Aboard YOT 75 while moored at the jetty at the marina main beach Gold Coast. Will set sail for the reception and only need services for the ceremony.
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